YA fiction — Blog — Paul Heinz

Paul Heinz

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Therapy Session Leads to Short Story

The story behind my short story, “The Missing Ingredient," as told to Sucker Literary Magazine.  The latest issues is available in paperback and in digital form at Amazon.


A transcription of a conversation with my therapist, July 2012

Therapist: So in summary, what you seem to be saying is that you’re still holding onto the humiliation you felt as a teenager.

Me:  Well, duh. Isn’t everyone?

T:  No, not really.  Many people are able to, in time, embrace their childhoods.  You can get there too.

Me: No fricking way.  There is no way you’re going to tell me that I’ll be able to embrace the time I offered to carry Brittney Wright’s books, and she told me I was too scrawny.

T: You asked a girl to carry her books?  What decade were you living in?

Me: Um...well...

T: Cuz seriously, that sounds like something straight out of Leave it to Beaver.  You must have struck out a lot in high school, huh?

Me: Well, yeah.  In dating, and, um...baseball, too, I guess.  Other stuff.  Can we change topics?

T: You know, maybe you're right.  I’m not sure I can help you to embrace your childhood.  Unless...

Me: Unless what?  Doc, you gotta help me!  My face breaks out at the mention of tater tots.  I panic when I have to unhook a bra, even when no one’s wearing it!  For the love of all that’s holy, what should I do?

T: Write about it.

Me: Write about it!  That’s brilliant!  I’ll write a short story, get it published and parlay that into a novel, and it’ll beat out John Green for the “Awesome Kickass Young-Adult Novel of the Year” award.

T: Um...yeah, if that’s the extent of your vocabulary, you might want to...

Me: Too late, Mr. Therapist.  I’m ready.  I’m ready to reveal the suckiness of teenagedom in all its glory!

YA Short Story Published!

My short story, "The Missing Ingredient," is now available in digital and print form in the young-adult publication, Sucker Literary Magazine, volume 2.  

Alex is living the rock and roll dream, playing bass and singing for the power trio, Aunt Sally’s Nightmare.  But when his bandmates invite Maureen to sing lead, it soon becomes a battle for control.  Or could it be a battle for something else?

I was published in volume 1 last year and am again thrilled to contribute one of nine great stories featuring the most interesting people on the planet - teenagers.  Sucker is available in paperback for $9.99 and in Kindle form for $3.99.  Check it out.  If you have trouble finding it, give me a shout.

Sucker Magazine Publication Forthcoming

My short story, "The Missing Ingredient," has been accepted by Sucker Literary Magazine for it's second issue of young-adult fiction.  Below is a quick synopsis, and the meantime, you can pick up the debut issue of Sucker at Amazon (only $4 for a Kindle copy, or $10 for a paperback book) or from Lulu.  My short story, "Things I Hate About My Mother" is one of thirteen entertaining and provocative entries.

In "The Missing Ingredient," Alex is living the rock and roll dream, playing bass and singing for the power trio, Aunt Sally’s Nightmare.  But when his bandmates invite Maureen to sing lead, it soon becomes a battle for control.  Or could it be a battle for something else?

We'll find out!  I believe the next issue will be available after the first of the year.

Sucker Literary Magazine in Print

It's about time the Young Adult genre had it's very own lit magazine, isn't it?  The debut issue of Sucker Literary Magazine is available now, not only as an ebook, but in print at Lulu with Amazon soon to follow.  The ebook is available for $3.99, and the print version for $9.49, a fine value for a good read and an opportunity to support an independent, edgy and democratic publication.  My short story, Things I Hate About My Mother, was one of thirteen chosen for the first issue, and I couldn't be happier with the results.  Pick up a copy for yourself, for your local library and for the teens in your lives. 

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